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Service Descriptions

High Holy Days

Recorded Past Services

Our approach to worship, or Avodah, is rooted in the Reform tradition and enlivened by the words, insights, and music provided by our clergy and lay participants. We hold two lay-led Shabbat morning services yearly, spearheaded by our Religious Practices and Adult Education committees, and have multiple musical groups who, along with Cantor Braun, perform choral, klezmer, and other forms of popular music as part of our services. 

Our prayerbook for Shabbat services is Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur, and for High Holy Day services, Mishkan Hanefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe. While many of our congregants enjoy owning their own copy of Mishkan T’filah, copies are available in the sanctuary for all who worship with us. 

Music and Worship

The Music in our worship services is inviting, fulfilling, comforting, joyous, and meaningful.

Music is the soul of our worship, bringing joy, personal insight and a sense of community.

Our services are filled with various styles of music ranging from contemporary to more traditional melodies to satisfy the spiritual needs of our congregants. We believe that  this diversity  creates a beautiful musical experience as well as an environment inspiring full and spirited congregational participation 


Each Friday evening, we hold an Erev Shabbat service beginning at 6:00 or 8:00 pm (see the calendar). During the fall and spring months, our Saturday morning Shabbat services are often led by one of our B'nai Mitzvah students.  

Some Friday evening services are themed services which are particularly varied, offering something for everyone. We honor special occasions; invite guests from other faith communities and speakers on timely topics; enjoy a range of musical performances; and enjoy good food together, whether as part of the Oneg or a special dinner.   

Below are descriptions of just a few of our most popular themed services. 

1st Family Shabbat Service
First Friday of each month is our Family Shabbat Service at 6:00 PM with Birthday blessings. This joyous musical service is led by our clergy. This service includes a family-friendly story. Please join us for a spirited and innovative Shabbat experience! Complimentary dinner and Activities for children follow the service.

Bim Bam Shabbat offers a short Shabbat experience designed for our youngest members (0 -7) followed by complimentary dinner, bounce house play, and activities - such as arts and crafts.


Schmoozin' Shabbat offers a variety of pre-service catered meals with a wide selection of beverages including wine, soft drinks, and more.  

Shabbat Morning Worship
Our 10:30 am Shabbat Morning service often includes a Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration and other life cycle simchas. The service is led by Rabbi and Cantor. The Torah is often read during this service.

Pride Shabbat is held every July, coinciding with Rochester's Pride March. We celebrate our LGBTQ community and confirm our commitment to inclusive worship.


Get S'More Shabbat is an exciting outdoor Musical Shabbat Experience with our instrumental  Band. This service-in-song is a blend  of contemporary melodies composed by leading Jewish composers of our time.

Join us and enjoy Shabbat in an innovative way! Followed by complimentary dinner.

High Holy Days 5784/2023

AnchorDuring First Day Rosh Hashanah and again on Yom Kippur, we hold multiple services simultaneously. They include traditional, contemporary (family), teen, and young family services.


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785