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Scholar in Residence Program

We are requesting a minimum $18 donation for each person attending  any or all of scholar events. This nominal donation will help us to defray a small portion of the costs of the weekend.  We want this weekend to be available for everyone so feel free to fill in an amount less than $18 or to simply leave the box blank.  The amount that you contribute is completely confidential.  Of course, if you would like to make a donation of more than the requested $18 to help to support this programming that would be more than welcome.

If you would like to register as an UNDERWRITER ($118/person donation minimum) or a CO-SPONSOR ($180/person donation minimum), please do not use this page to register but go to the link which reads, "Register as an UNDERWRITER or a CO-SPONSOR for the Scholar-in-Residence Program."  Your registration fee will include the general ($18) registration fee.

   Friday Evening
   Saturday Torah Study
   Saturday Lunch Program
   Saturday Evening Program
Fri, May 10 2024 2 Iyar 5784